The public prosecutor, Solène Belaouar, was the guest of France Bleu Périgord this Monday, January 31 on the occasion of the re-entry hearing of the Périgueux court. This is an opportunity for the court to present its report on judicial activity for the year 2021. Last year, the number of cases handled by the court was “stable”. Among them, those relating to domestic violence are still on the increase. A trend that has already emerged since 2020 and the various confinements linked to the health pandemic.
– Thibault Delmarle
73% more complaints and reports compared to 2019
There are 73% more cases of domestic violence last year compared to 2019 in the jurisdiction of the court of Périgueux. The public prosecutor indicates that the safety of the victims is always sought. In 2021, the number of bans on getting in touch and the number of bans on appearing in certain places doubled compared to 2019.
Victims already notified as soon as their spouse leaves prison
From this Tuesday, February 1, victims must be notified as soon as their spouse or ex-spouse leaves prison. This measure which applies with this decree is already in place at the court of Périgueux explains the public prosecutor.
Anti-reconciliation bracelets put in place
With the three serious danger telephones available in the Dordogne, anti-reconciliation bracelets are available to the court without a limit in number. This bracelet makes it possible to control the distance between a violent spouse and his victim. If he enters a given perimeter, a surveillance company warns him and if he remains in the area despite everything, the police or the gendarmerie intervene.
At the Périgueux court, a minors-family center has been created at the public prosecutor’s office to deal with acts of domestic violence as a priority. A person occupies until next June a position of project manager specifically concerning domestic violence. The association France Victimes 24 is also associated to improve the care of victims from the complaint.