the increase in the amount of subsidies granted to the FNC arouses controversy


France 2

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Between 2017 and 2021, subsidies granted to hunters have increased sharply. The controversy is mounting over this amount.

Hunters are in the sights of environmentalists. In four years, subsidies granted to the National Federation of Hunters (FNC) have jumped. In 2017, they amounted to 27,000 euros, before reaching 11.46 million euros in 2021. The controversy is swelling in the ranks of environmentalists. The national secretary of the Europe Écologie-Les Verts party, Julien Bayou, describes Emmanuel Macron as “president of the lobbies against the living” on Twitter.

Other deputies announce that they want to seize the government for more transparency. To understand this increase, we have to go back to 2018. Emmanuel Macron then halved the cost of the hunting license, from 400 to 200 euros, thus inflating the coffers of the FNC. The boss of this powerful organization and support of the Head of State counter attack : he recalls that the increase in this aid is linked to the new hunting law of July 2019. The FNC now oversees the missions formerly carried out by the prefects.

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