the incidence rate goes back above 100 in France, a first for two months

This symbolic bar has been crossed as the epidemic is spreading all over Europe. Austria has even decided to confine unvaccinated people.

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Bad news in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic. The incidence rate, which corresponds to the number of positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the past week, rose above the threshold of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants across France, Monday, November 15, according to the latest figures provided by the health authorities. This is a first since mid-September. The incidence rate has been increasing since early October and has doubled over the past three weeks. Contamination has tripled over this same period.

This news comes as the epidemic accelerates its progression across Europe. In Austria, in the face of a fifth wave, the authorities have established a lockdown for unvaccinated people against Covid-19. The situation is serious. (…) We do not take this measure with a light heart, but unfortunately it is necessary “, justified the Austrian Chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, pointing a vaccination rate “shamefully low”.

However, the situation between France and Austria is not comparable. In both countries, there are more than 10,000 new cases daily on average over the last seven days, but the dynamics are different, as the incidence rate in Austria exceeds 850 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (link in English).

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