the incentive and participation bonus set at “4,000 euros minimum, on average 4,400 euros”

The French employees of the car manufacturer Stellantis, “those with the lowest salaries” will touch “4,000 euros minimum, on average 4,400 euros” profit-sharing and participation bonus, announced on Wednesday February 23 on franceinfo Carlos Tavares, the general manager of Stellantis (PSA and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles). In 2021, it was 3,000 euros gross, in a context strongly marked by Covid-19.

The Stellantis group posts a record net profit of 13.4 billion euros for 2021, almost three times more than last year. It is the result of a successful merger between PSA Peugeot Citroën Opel on one side and Fiat Chrysler on the other. With two flagship models within the group. At Peugeot, the 2008 remains the best-selling car in Europe. In the United States, it is the Jeep Wrangler on the side of plug-in hybrid vehicles that is leading sales.

A global envelope for a salary increase of 3.2%, with a general increase for all workers of 2.8% and for technicians outside the supervisor’s sector of 2%, was granted on Tuesday by the management after seven hours of negotiation. The category of supervisors and managers will not have a general increase.

The conversion of the automotive market to electric is difficult for manufacturers. “We need to approach the subject of clean mobility on a 360 degree approach, we cannot limit the issue to electric vehicles only”explained Carlos Tavares. “This involves the question of energy, the carbon footprint, the need to keep electric vehicles affordable for all citizens and the middle classes. We are going to make our contribution. We are aware of the fact that public aid cannot go on forever. They weigh heavily on state budgets and citizens’ taxes.”

On the side of the unions, however, this profit-sharing bonus seems very insufficient compared to the profits of the companies and the efforts made by the employees. “The distribution of wealth is not correct, not balanced, we must increase salaries before putting bonuses”said Wednesday, February 23 on franceinfo Cédric Brun, CGT deputy central union representative at Stellantis. According to the union representative, this bonus “Hides the low wages. There is the problem of pensions and social contributions. Today, employees will barely get 45 euros in general increase while the cost of living has exploded.”

While Stellantis employees are of course satisfied with this bonus, Cédric Brun believes that he and his colleagues have obtained it. “with [leur] sweat, because you have to see the job cuts and the heavier working conditions, and 45 euros is far from enough. The union delegate indeed fears new cuts in the workforce. “The group has made a lot of profits on the backs of employees with job cuts and state aid”he affirms, foreseeing today in the factories of the group “many walkouts.”

source site-21