The inauguration of the restaurant at the Belfry hotel in Lourdes with Chef Raymond Nordin

Since September 2021, the Belfry***** hotel in Lourdes has found a chef worthy of its ambitions. Raymond Nördin is a chef determined to make the finest palates lose their heads in Bigorre and a little further afield. The decor is superb, the dishes are divine and above all unpretentious. From Plaza Athénée to Fouquet’s Barrière and so on, Raymond Nördin offers the best of his experiences, with his team he seduces you from the aperitif (you have to taste the Louis, a signature cocktail of the house) to dessert.

The signature dish: beef pie, foie gras, strong jus and truffles for us that evening. Magnificent ! © Radio France
Isabelle Young

At noon and in the evening the dishes are excellent based on the best local products or elsewhere (like Norman butter from Bordier). Silverware, porcelain everything is perfect.

Aurore Maze and Raymond Nördin in our studios before the big day!
Aurore Maze and Raymond Nördin in our studios before the big day! © Radio France
Isabelle Young

At noon for 25 euros on the terrace if you want, you will succumb to the unique menu which may remind you of something. For Mother’s Day, the menu (37 euros) will end with a “miraculously delicious” strawberry pie. The evening menu is quite sumptuous like the signature dish “Beef pie, foie gras, full-bodied jus” the buttered cabbage slipped into this pie is a surprise. All cooking is controlled, even the simplest products are sublimated. Raymond Nördin’s culinary universe has not finished delighting us. One more word for his team Romain Fabry met in Alain Ducasse’s kitchen at the Plaza Athénée 14 years ago, Aurore Maze who has as much pleasure in welcoming us as in carrying the spirit of the house and a young shoot from Saumur a young man passionate about Bastien wine.

Restaurant Belfry by Raymond Nördin in Lourdes an address that will make noise

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