The impressive installation of the new Witry bridge in Reims

60 meters long, 25 meters wide, 1,100 tons, all moved over 250 meters: this is the extraordinary operation that took place on Saturday October 29 in Reims for the installation of the new Witry bridge, located northwest of the city. An important step for this construction site that has been going on for months.


The huge steel structure found its place almost an hour ahead of schedule. All afternoon, we had to take this new bridge through the 250 meters that separate its construction area from its final location. Objective, succeed in placing it at 10 millimeters near. A successful bet: the bridge is in its final place, but that does not mean that the work is finished. A finishing step is still necessary, for a reopening by the end of December.

Make way for soft mobility

Exit the reinforced concrete, characteristic of the old bridge, the new work has a steel structure, with a more modern look. New look for a new bridge that has been designed for all types of mobility. “This bridge is designed precisely to allow soft mobility for pedestrians, but also for cyclists, which is a novelty compared to the old bridge which dates from 1930”, explains Arnaud Robinet, the mayor of Reims. The elected official recalled the cost of this new bridge: 8.5 million eurospartly funded by the state.

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