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The Château de la Bourdaisière (Indre-et-Loire) hosts a unique collection in the world of more than 700 varieties of tomatoes.
Behind the gates of the Château de la Bourdaisière (Indre-et-Loire), an unsuspected place. A French garden, but not just any. Here grow no less than 700 varieties of tomatoes. The master of the place is Nicolas Toutain. This gardener watches over these tomatoes, classified by color and in alphabetical order, planted in 1798 by the owner of the château. In his hands, a unique collection of old varieties in the world.
They come in all colors, from the fleshiest to the thinnest, rounded or elongated, with the most extravagant names. This summer, because of the heat, they have even more taste and are irresistible for visitors to the castle. “To enrich this collection, we regularly exchange with collectors. Today, we have stopped collecting excessively, because the surface of the vegetable garden would not allow it”, explains Nicolas Toutain. At the castle, four tons of tomatoes are produced each year, but are not marketed.