Video length: 1 min
Paralympic Games: the impossible challenge of transport accessibility
Paralympic Games: the impossible challenge of transport accessibility
(France 2)
Improving accessibility was one of the promises of the organizers of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, but getting around Paris remains a daily obstacle course for people with reduced mobility.
Each of his trips is an obstacle course. Paraplegic for thirty-five years, Pierre-Emmanuel Robert must, most of the time, be accompanied by an agent to use public transport. “The lady was kind enough to help me. I would have had trouble getting up on my own, we are quite far from being independent”, explains the Parisian engineer.
Autonomy in transport was nevertheless the promise of Paris 2024. Braille signs, loudspeakers in certain stations, tram accessibility, efforts that will also have to be continued after the Olympic Games, according to the associations. “We must hope that the Paralympic Games will create an electroshock, a real awareness”comments Nicolas Mérille, accessibility advisor for APF France Handicap.