The importance of going to the circus

The circus arts have come a long way since the days of the Louis Cyrs of this world, and Quebec has every reason to be proud of having contributed to the renewal of circus traditions around the world. That being said, it is not just a question of talking about it, precisely, but of going there.

I still go to the circus sometimes, but not enough. In my childhood memories, going to the circus was the expensive activity under the big top, far-far in Montreal. I went there once and then just listened ad nauseam to the videotapes and soundtracks. Later, I discovered other forms of circus, which, compared to the solar star, seemed sober in means, and yet rich in poetry and emotion. From laughter to tears. I met there extraordinary artists whose humility of the medium always touched me deeply. There is in the people of the circus this totally pure self-sacrifice, devoid of ego which is unique to them.

The circus world was built on the margins. It’s the world of the strange, offbeat and quirky. In this sense, I have always seen a large dose of diversity, inclusiveness. This feeling of being at home for the non-standards, of having the right to be as we are in all legitimacy. The absence of judgement. Then, through the gaze of my children, welcoming these clowns with a respect and deference that some would find incongruous, I have since learned to see these clowns, gymnasts, singers, musicians as Nobel-winning artists. A Nobel Peace Prize to Balconfiné.es and Guillaume Vermette, who shone on the pandemic for many people, to Monsieur Anything, who allowed me to make peace with the sugar cravings of my descendants, a Nobel Prize for Literature at Big Toe, who is currently in Avignon with his Librarian. Let’s offer them recognition commensurate with all the beauty that they and they bring to life on earth.

So, while the Montreal completely circus festival is in full swing for a second and final week, I just wanted to remind us to take advantage of it, of all this beautiful circus that is accessible to us, that enchants us, that soothes us, that transports us . And me, I’m going right now.

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