The importance of being in Joy!!

We would tend very quickly to let ourselves be carried away by the gloomy atmosphere, to give a lot of space psychically to our worries and finally to lose our center.

Do you mean that joy allows us to find our center?

I think that in all these moments when we are destabilized, we can take a little time to close our eyes, and take a deep breath which will already aim to refocus ourselves. Once we’ve done that, I invite you to open your eyes wide and look all around you, to seek joy in the laughter of a child, in the beauty of a blooming rose, in the sun. passing through the clouds…I invite you to feel and reconnect to the joy that is also within you.

So wondering brings us back to our inner joy?

It is indeed a technique. Not losing the thread of wonder reconnects us to this inner joy which is important to maintain and develop in order to face external challenges.

Is it becoming a bit like a child again?

The young child is free of all prejudices, of all formatting and he is spontaneous! A trifle intrigues him, arouses his curiosity, entertains him. We have often forgotten to rejoice in the simple. So, rediscovering a child’s gaze brings us back to feeling a simple and authentic joy.

Is there another technique?

Yes, you can also, always closing your eyes, focus your attention on your breath and feel the joy of living within you. How often do we forget to connect to the life that circulates and vibrates within us. Listening to one’s breathing allows this refocusing and access to this joy of being alive. When everything is going wrong around us, by breathing let us remember that we are alive and connect to the joy, or the peace that the awareness of being alive can give us.

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