The import of Russian gas into Europe, the words of Alexis Corbière, the absence of a program from Emmanuel Macron… The informed of March 9

Around Jean-Francois Achillthe informed discuss the news of Wednesday, March 9.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-Francois Achillthe informed discuss the news of Wednesday, March 9.

The themes :

– War in Ukraine Ukraine, towards the end of the purchase of Russian gas? Europe can hardly do without these imports. This will be the subject of the Versailles summit (Yvelines), Thursday 10 and Friday 11 March.

– Delivery of arms to Ukraine, did Alexis Corbière violate “defense secrets”? On franceinfo this Wednesday, the spokesperson for Jean-Luc Mélenchon affirmed that France had not delivered to the Ukrainian army “only bulletproof vests” and “a few anti-tank missiles”. The deputy La France insoumise was accused of endangering national security.

– Presidential, Emmanuel Macron, a campaign without program or debate. Marine Le Pen criticizes him for refusing the debate between candidates. In this diplomatic context, will the president-candidate put his unfinished reforms back on the table?

The informed:

-Charlotte Cieslinski, political journalist at The Obs.

– Saveria Rojek, journalist and political columnist.

– Chloe Morin political scientist, columnist The Expressauthor of We have the policies we deserveat Fayard.

– Patrice Moyon economic and social columnist & editorial writer at West France.

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