The impact of not vaccinating recalcitrant truckers remains unclear

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) does not have specific data on outbreaks and epidemic risks associated with non-vaccination among the 10% of anti-vaccine truckers.

• Read also: [IMAGES] Mobilization of truckers across Quebec

Data related to COVID-19 collected by federal public health is aggregated and compiled in different ways, including through positivity, hospitalization and death rates which contrast sharply between vaccinated and unvaccinated, explained on Friday the head of PHAC, the DD Theresa Tam.

Since January 15, truckers must present proof of vaccination upon entering the country upon their return from the United States under the obligation to quarantine for two weeks at home. For their part, the United States only brings in Canadian truckers who have been doubly vaccinated for a week.

To justify the decree, the Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos relies mainly on the protection offered by vaccines against COVID-19 in the general population.

“It is always important to remember that vaccination is not to punish people, it is to protect people. When we protect ourselves, we prevent ourselves and the people around us from ending up in terrible physical health conditions, ”said Mr. Duclos during the weekly press briefing on the epidemiological situation.

Since the data is not broken down by employment, it is impossible to determine with certainty whether the cancellation of this measure would cause a noticeable increase in the epidemic situation in Canada.

The DD Tam nevertheless considers that the obligation to demonstrate proof of vaccination at borders in general remains an important measure, both at airports and at borders, as it is an additional “layer” of protection against the spread of the virus.

It goes without saying that the vaccination of the entire population would better control the epidemic and reduce the workload in hospitals. Federal and provincial governments and their public health directors have been saying for many months that vaccination is the key to ending the pandemic.

Friday’s press briefing came as the first trucks of the “freedom convoy” made their way through the heart of Ottawa. Hundreds and even thousands of truckers and supporters plan to demonstrate outside Parliament on Friday and Saturday.

“We are all in the same convoy. We are in a convoy to get out of COVID-19 as quickly as possible and it is when we are united in this convoy through vaccination that we can get there the fastest,” added Minister Duclos.

Health Canada and the Canadian Trucking Association estimate that the rate of unvaccinated truckers in the country is around 10%.


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