the impact of a meteorite on Mars raises questions about possible water reserves


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A meteorite the size of a van crashed into March. The image and sound of the impact are impressive. What prospects for the future? Response elements.

What happens when a 200 ton meteorite crashes into March ? In a photo of the Nasa released Thursday, October 27, the crater appears small. It actually measures 150 m in diameter, and 21 m deep. Never seen. The impact took place on December 24, 2021, and was detected by the probe InSightplaced on March. Near the crater, small white dots challenged scientists. These are blocks of ice. Very present at the poles, they are surprising in this place, one of the hottest points on the planet.

When we go closer to the Equator, we thought that there was no more ice. However, this impact revealed that under a few meters of pebbles, dry ground, there is still ice“, comments Francis forgetplanetology and research director at the CNRS. Was there a lake here, or an ocean? The discovery questions both the memory and the future of March. In 20 or 30 years, astronauts will try to set foot on the red planet. Plenty of water would be a boon to explorers. Could we then imagine living on March ? It is for the moment allowed to dream, but while keeping your feet on the ground.

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