The text, 35 articles of which were challenged by the Constitutional Council, was published in the Official Journal on Saturday.
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On Friday January 26, the President of the Republic promulgated the immigration law, largely censored by the Constitutional Council. The text, of which 35 articles were rebutted by the Sages, was published in the Official Journal on Saturday and the first application instructions have already been presented to the prefects.
Tighter access to social benefits, annual migration quotas, tightening of family reunification criteria… The Constitutional Council has rejected numerous measures adopted under pressure from the right, with the support of the far right. The final text retains the structure initially desired by the government, with a large component of simplification of procedures for expelling delinquent foreigners.
The Republicans denounced a “democratic hold-up” And “a coup d’état of law” of the Wise. A questioning “very worrying” institutions, reacted the president of the institution Laurent Fabius on France 5 Friday evening, highlighting a decision purely “legal”.