the immense regrets of his brother, a speech difficult to hear…

Emotion and only emotion. If the family of the young Lola, whose body was found in a trunk in the courtyard of the building in which she lived with her parents, can afford to be angry, she has however only had words of love for this daughter, sister, and friend, during her funeral which was held this Monday, October 24 in the Saint-Omer Collegiate Church in Lilles.

A very hard moment for the parents of the girl who is only 12 years old, and especially for her brother Thibaut. The latter gave a moving and very painful speech as reported by our colleagues from Parisian. “Lola, my beloved little sister, I have the impression that we couldn’t do anything together it went so quickly. […] Unfortunately, you left far too soon. I couldn’t even tell you how much I loved you”he regretted in front of his family.

Monsignor Olivier Leborgne, the bishop of Arras, opened his speech with a message of peace without however forgetting to recall the savagery of which the young girl was the victim: “Lola was 12, she was the youngest. It’s also the age at which we begin to understand evil. She was carried away by the savagery of an act that leaves us speechless”. Following the speeches, the body of the one whose life would have been taken away by Dahbia B was buried in the privacy of the cemetery of the town.

Lola’s parents are now waiting for answers, but above all for acts from the justice system. It is still studying that of the alleged murderer, quickly arrested a few days after the body was found. And if many hope that she will end up behind bars, things could be done differently according to Dominique Rizet who indicated on BFM TV : “At the end, the psychiatrists will say whether, in their opinion, Dahbia B. is accessible or not to a criminal sanction. If so, she will go before an assize court. If she is inaccessible, that is to say if her discernment has been abolished, she will be handed over to the world of psychiatry and will go to a hospital”.

See also: Using the coffin of a twelve-year-old girl as one uses a step


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