The image of Marine Le Pen softened thanks to Eric Zemmour, Christiane Taubira launches on the left… The informed of the morning of Monday January 17, 2022

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dély, to decipher the news on Monday January 17, Rosalie Lucas, journalist at the political department of Le Parisien, Emmanuel Rivière, international director for political studies at the Kantar Public institute and Jean-Jérôme Bertolus, head from the political department of franceinfo.

The themes :

– Can Le Pen reinstall her duel with Macron? The annual barometer of the image of the National Rally, produced by Kantar Public for franceinfo and “Le Monde”, confirms that the emergence and then the candidacy of Éric Zemmour have enabled Marine Le Pen to police his image somewhat. Considered “less extreme”, 29% of French people consider it likely that Marine Le Pen will be elected President of the Republic, while 10% make the same prognosis for Éric Zemmour. What should we deduce from this a few weeks before the presidential election?

– Will Taubira save… or finish off the left? The former minister Christiane Taubira formalized on Saturday January 15, in Lyon, her candidacy for the presidential election. A new competitor in the race for the Elysée which therefore adds to the many candidates on the left. What does Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the left-wing candidate currently best placed in the polls, think?

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