the image and name of the priest removed from certain municipalities


Video length: 2 min

Abbé Pierre accused of sexual violence: the image and name of the priest removed from certain municipalities
Following the accusations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, some establishments, including his foundation, no longer wish to be associated with his name and are renaming themselves. A decision that is not unanimous.
(France 2)

Following the accusations of sexual violence against Abbé Pierre, some establishments, including his foundation, no longer wish to be associated with his name and are renaming themselves. A decision that is not unanimous.

While his face has until now adorned certain walls and his name indicated dozens of streets, the figure of Abbé Pierre is now rejected. The cause is the accusations of sexual abuse against the priest who died in 2007. “We can’t glorify these people.”says a mother. In Nueil-les-Aubiers, in Deux-Sèvres, the college is one of 14 schools in France that bear the name of the founder of Emmaüs.

A name and a fresco at the entrance that the director absolutely wants to get rid of. Two months after the first revelations, this decision is not unanimous among parents. “It could have stayed as it was, I wouldn’t have had a problem with that.”assures the mother of a student. In Naintré, in Vienne, it is a statue on a roundabout that the town hall wants to unbolt. The Abbé Pierre Foundation, which will also change its name, has decided to permanently close its memorial.

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