the illustrated book in Toulouse

A miscarriage like any others” is a book written by the author Sandra Lorenzo and illustrated in Toulouse by Mathilde Lemiesle. Publication this February 10, 2022 by FIRST editions. This intimate testimony approaches with benevolence the psychological journey of a young mother who is expecting a happy event but loses her baby after 6 weeks: pain, sadness, denial, misunderstanding, loneliness, lack of medical support… Sandra investigates this little-known phenomenon and taboo which nevertheless affects one in four women at least once during her life. An endearing and universal story about a traumatic event that resonates with many mothers and young parents: a release of women’s speech, for more balance and resilience. Sandra Lorenzo is the guest of France Blue Occitanie.

Sandra Lorenzo lives in Aubagne, mother of two children and freelance journalist, she notably worked 9 years for the Huffington Post. A miscarriage like the others is her first book. Mathilde Lemiesle is an illustrator in Toulouse (@mespresqueriens) and author of the eponymous comic book Mes almost nothings (October 2021 – Lapins editions) She raises awareness of the themes of motherhood, the body and prenatal mourning through her illustrations.

the cover of the book

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