the Ile-de-France region votes for a new grant of nearly 400,000 euros for the Parisian private establishment

Valérie Pécresse defended this allocation by affirming that the establishment had taken a set of measures to put an end to the dysfunctions pointed out in a National Education report.



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The front of the Stanislas private college in Paris, February 24, 2024. (RICCARDO MILANI / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The Ile-de-France regional council renewed, Thursday, May 30, an allocation to the Parisian private high school Stanislas. But this aid is controversial, because it concerns an establishment whose “abnormalities”, particularly homophobic, were singled out in a National Education report published in January. After its publication, the Paris town hall announced “suspend temporarily” its financing.

This externship package is a “compulsory payment for the community (…) from the moment the establishment has an association contract with the State”, defended his vice-president in charge of high schools, James Chéron. The envelope, of nearly 400,000 euros, was contested by the opposition, but the president (LR) of the region, Valérie Pécresse, invited elected officials on Wednesday to approve the payment proposal.

On Wednesday, Valérie Pécresse defended the renewal of the endowment by indicating that the “regular operation of Parcoursup [avait] been restored” in the establishment, that its internal regulations had “undergoing a redesign” and that a volunteer accused of homophobic remarks had been sanctioned and removed from the school. On January 31, the region had already voted for a first envelope of 917,000 euros, the largest in the region for a private high school.

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