the IDF army announces having carried out “localized raids” in the Gaza Strip during the “last 24 hours”

Israeli ground forces carried out “localized raids” in the Gaza Strip during the “last 24 hours”. The army affirmed, Friday October 13, that these incursions aimed to search for “terrorists” and of “armament”. DEfforts were also made “to find missing people”. Follow our live stream.

More than 3,000 dead in Israel and the Gaza Strip since Saturday’s attack. The human toll continues to rise: more than 1,300 dead and 3,200 injured on the Israeli side; at least 1,799 people died in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Among these victims are “583 children and 351 women”. The ministry also reports more than 7,000 injured.

The Israeli army drops leaflets on Gaza. Israel asks residents to flee “immediately” towards the south of the enclave, noted AFP correspondents in the Palestinian territory. “Immediately evacuate your homes and go south to Wadi Gaza”, can we read on leaflets in Arabic dropped by drones and seen by our colleagues at AFP. A map on the leaflets shows an arrow pointing south crossing a line in the center of the Gaza Strip. THE “forced transfer” of the population of Gaza “is a crime”denounced the Arab League.

Thousands of Palestinians flee to southern Gaza Strip. These Palestinians, who live in the north of this 362 km2 territory controlled by Hamas, left by car, motorbike, trucks or on foot. These departures follow the warning of the Israeli army which is constantly bombarding the territory, in particular the city of Gaza, located in the north. “Nothing can justify the horrific attacks Israel suffered last weekend,” but “these attacks cannot in return justify the unlimited destruction of Gaza”for its part declared the International Committee of the Red Cross in a press release.

source site-24