“The ideas we represent reach new heights”



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The RN candidate improved her 2017 score by more than 7 points, with 41.45% of the votes collected on Sunday in the second round of the presidential election.

“Tonight’s result is in itself a resounding victory.” Despite her failure in the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen was pleased with the good score obtained (41.45%), Sunday April 24, welcoming the “millions of our compatriots [qui] have made the choice of the national camp.” As in 2017, the National Rally candidate failed in the final duel, while improving her score by 7.55 points, according to our estimate.

>> Follow the evening of the second round of the presidential election live

“Despite two weeks of unfair, brutal and violent methods, the ideas we represent are reaching new heights one evening in the second round of the presidential election.” Twenty years after the surprise emergence of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the second round (17.79%), the far right has never come so close to power under the Fifth Republic.

>> MAP. Discover all the results of the second round, municipality by municipality

“Determined, we are more than ever. Today I have no resentment or resentment”she said from the pavilion of Armenonville, in the Bois de Boulogne. “Buried, we have been buried a thousand times. And a thousand times, they were wrong. In this defeat, I can’t help but feel a form of hope.”

Marine Le Pen is now targeting the next elections. “The game is not quite played, because in a few weeks the legislative elections will take place. The risk of seeing [Emmanuel] Macron mechanically seizing all legislative and executive powers is high. It is a prospect that no patriot can accept.”

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