“The idea is beautiful, but it will not happen overnight”, says a poverty specialist

According to the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, this measure would allow “20 million of our compatriots” to benefit from this automatic payment of social benefits.

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“We estimate that there would be a little less than a third of RSA recipients who would not ask for it”, indicates Thursday March 17 Julien Damon, sociologist and teacher at Sciences Po, guest of franceinfo. Candidate Emmanuel Macron says he wants to create a payment at source for the RSA, the activity bonus, the APL and family allowances. According to him, this would allow “20 million of our compatriots” to benefit from this automatic payment of social benefits. A device that should be called “solidarity at the source”said the President of the Republic during a press conference during which he revealed his program for the 2022 presidential election.

Julien Damon, a poverty specialist, recognizes that “the withholding tax is a technical success. Afterwards, politically, everyone will judge what they want, but technically, it is a success that we did not expect.” This desire to make payment automatic is “the strong idea of ​​today”. However, “The idea is great but it’s a construction site, it won’t happen overnight”, tempers Julien Damon. According to this teacher, this payment method would also allow “to reduce fraud” and of “pay benefits adjusted to people’s situations”.

Pensioners are also affected

Many retirees are also concerned and do not claim their pension: “Moving from a declarative and requesting system to an automatic system is a great and strong idea, but it requires extremely substantial reforms in legal matters and the information system”. According to Julien Damon, this automatic payment would bring to these beneficiaries an amount which “is counted in billions of euros” countrywide.

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