The ice will disrupt road conditions in much of Quebec

The start of the weekend is not going to be easy for southern Quebec, with a major ice storm forecast for Saturday morning for most of the province.

A low pressure coming from Colorado, the same one that caused a lot of concern to motorists on Saturday, is at the origin of the disturbance.

Environment Canada issued a warning on Friday for around 30 sectors, ranging from Abitibi to Gaspésie National Park.

“Surfaces, such as roads, streets, sidewalks and parking lots, could become icy and slippery. Adapt your driving to the changing road conditions ”, one could read on the publication of the federal agency.

Later in the day, freezing rain will turn to rain due to the rise in mercury in several areas.

A wind warning has also been issued for ten of these regions, while gusts of up to 100 km / h are expected for Saturday evening.

“The wind could blow away objects that are not attached to a surface and cause injury or damage,” Environment Canada said.

Power outages may occur during the day.

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