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In Ukraine, the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) mission was able to visit the Zaporijia nuclear power plant, occupied by the Russians. The director of the agency has indicated his desire to set up a permanent presence there to prevent any security risk.
First images from inside the nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, Ukraine, were released on Thursday, September 1. Filmed by a Russian press agency, they show the delegation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspecting the site. At the exit, its manager, Rafael Grossi, gave his first impressions to the media present. “I didn’t need to come here to be worried. I was worried and I remain worried about the situation of the plant. […] It is obvious that the integrity of the plant has been violated several times“, did he declare.
Several days will be necessary for the technicians on site to study the situation in detail. This inventory is particularly awaited by the international community. Early Thursday morning, the head of the mission and the 14 IAEA experts embarked in UN vehicles for an eventful journey between checkpoints and nearby machine gun fire.