the husband was taken into custody



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

M. de Chalvron, Q. Carudel, C. Dudon, C. Blondiaux, J. Delage, L. Michel – France 3

France Televisions

The husband of Karine Esquivillon, a 54-year-old mother who has been missing since March 27, has just been taken into police custody.

It’s stupor in the village of Maché (Vendée) Wednesday, June 14. A significant deployment of the gendarmerie came to challenge Michael PialleKarine’s husband Squivillon, mother of five, whose trace was suddenly lost on March 27. Since the disappearance of his wife, the husband kept repeating that she had left of her own free will. “I received an SMS that said: ‘Tired of living together, but not as a couple‘ (…) I am in a state of worryindiQuait Michel Pialle to the cameras of France 3 a few weeks ago.

Judicial information for kidnapping

Iwas taken into custodyWednesday 14 June in the morning, in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendee) where he is to be questioned by investigators. His home was searched, and his vehicle placed under sealed. The disturbing element of this case is that his cell phone full of battery was found in a Bank, not far from home, two weeks after his disappearance. A information court for kidnapping and forcible confinement is opene since April 17.

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