the hunt for the new Omicron variant is organized




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The World Health Organization baptized the new variant of the coronavirus, detected in South Africa, Omicron and she finds it worrying. Alexandre Hebert, journalist at France Télévisions, bring of the firsts indications on this new variant which is spreading.

For the moment, on the evening of Saturday 27 November, he there would be no case of the Omicron variant in France. But scientists know the virus is expected to spread quickly. “If this new variant worries, it is because it includes 32 mutations against two for the variant delta. A virus that mutates is a virus that can become unpredictable. The Omicron variant would be more contagious, would have a greater risk of reinfection and the effectiveness of the vaccine on it is not yet known “, explains Alexandre Hebert, journalist at France Télévisions.

The variant first appeared in South Africa but there are now cases in some European countries. “For the moment, there have been the appearance of a few cases in Italy, Germany, Belgium, the United Kingdom. For the moment France is spared, but scientists remain on alert “, add the journalist from France Télévisions.

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