The hunt for autographs and selfies at the Critérium de Dijon

“Obtaining a signature, approaching the runners, is for me like a kid unwrapping his Christmas presents… and besides, my name is Noël!” All smiles, this retiree traveled 90 km from Marcenay, near Chatillon sur Seine to greet those who made him vibrate on the Tour de France. “I have always followed the races, at home I have 321 cans collected from the runners” he assures

A small signature please! © Radio France
Olivier Estran

A passion shared by all ages, and by people from all walks of life. The Criterium is a popular event that allows you to approach the champions. Yves Lampaert, Belgian winner of the 1st stage of the Tour de France takes the time to chat in Flemish with a Belgian family passing through the capital of the Dukes.

Yves Lampaert from the QuickStep-Alpha Vinyl team
Yves Lampaert from the QuickStep-Alpha Vinyl team © Radio France
Olivier Estran

Bernard notes on his forearms and hands the names of all the pros who are there, and whose signature he is looking for. Helped by a friend, he won the signature of Florian Sénéchal champion of France 2022, not on a jersey, but on a painting to be framed.

Bernard and his trophy, the signature of Florian Sénéchal
Bernard and his trophy, the signature of Florian Sénéchal © Radio France
Olivier Estran

Cycling is not just a male passion. Célia, all smiles, stands next to the champions she admires. “I like cycling and I ride it too” says the young student. “Unfortunately, I don’t have time to do it in a club, but I like it a lot.”

Célia, young passionate
Célia, young passionate © Radio France
Olivier Estran

“After a Tour de France where we couldn’t approach the public, all of this is good for our morale” precise Geoffrey Bouchard. The Dijon team member of Team AG2R Citroën had to leave the Grande Boucle at the end of the 7 stage, positive for Covid. “I’m getting back on my feet, and the Criterium is a great event” he smiled.

Geoffrey Bouchard and his little nephews, real fans
Geoffrey Bouchard and his little nephews, real fans © Radio France
Olivier Estran

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