the humanitarian situation worsens in the Gaza Strip


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: the humanitarian situation worsens in the Gaza Strip

The Gaza Strip is threatened by famine after five months of war. On Thursday, February 29, a humanitarian convoy caused a riot, during which Israeli soldiers fired shots. Hamas’ death toll is more than 100.


The Gaza Strip is threatened by famine after five months of war. On Thursday, February 29, a humanitarian convoy caused a riot, during which Israeli soldiers fired shots. Hamas’ death toll is more than 100.

Images released by the Egyptian government show humanitarian cargoes being dropped from a plane on the Gaza Strip. According to the UN, more than 2 million people are threatened with famine in the Palestinian enclave. In this context, each food distribution turns out to be delicate. On February 29, when a humanitarian aid truck arrived, the hungry crowd was caught in a stampede under fire from the Israeli army. 115 people were killed according to Hamas figures.

Difficult to deliver help

The tragedy sparked numerous reactions from the international community, which called for an independent investigation. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, castigated the Israeli authorities, denouncing “indefensible and unjustifiable situations”. The organization of parachuting cargo into Gaza is complex. But this is the only way to deliver humanitarian aid, as trucks are blocked by Israel at the Egyptian border.

source site-24