“The humanitarian situation is catastrophic,” warns the vice-president of Médecins du monde


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7 mins

Gaza: “The humanitarian situation is catastrophic” warns the vice-president of Doctors of the World

In Gaza, the humanitarian pause and the release of Hamas hostages has been postponed by 24 hours and will take place on Friday November 24, a “torture”, according to Jean-François Corty, vice-president of Médecins du monde, guest of 12/13 info. – (Franceinfo)

The humanitarian pause is expected to allow the entry of 200 to 300 aid trucks into Gaza. “This pause window is not sufficient (…) we need a ceasefire,” assures Jean-François Corty, guest of franceinfo channel 27.

“It is torture for everyone: for the families of the hostages, for the prisoners who are supposed to be released in Israel and also for the citizens of Gaza and civilians”explains Jean-François Corty, vice-president of Médecins du monde, guest of 12/13 info on franceinfo channel 27, Thursday November 23. “We have nearly 15,000 dead and I think that these figures are today underestimated compared to the dead who were not found under the rubble”, he adds about the human toll. In addition, with the blockade, vulnerable people die from a lack of access to care.

NGOs cannot handle hostage negotiations

“The humanitarian situation is catastrophic”, concludes François Corty. The humanitarian pause is expected to allow the entry of 200 to 300 aid trucks into Gaza. “This window of pause is not sufficient (…) we need a ceasefireassures Jean-François Corty who requests the entry of water, food, gasoline and medicine. “It is not up to NGOs like Médecins du monde, Médecins sans frontières, it is not up to the United Nations to manage the interface and negotiations with the hostages. Simply because we do not have the mandate, we does not have political legitimacy”, concludes the vice-president of Médecins du monde.

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