the housing crisis is expected to last, in particular due to a drop in demand



Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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The housing crisis is increasingly important on French territory. It is notably due to a crisis in demand. The point with Olivier Poncelet, on the set of 19/20.

The causes of the housing crisis are many. New homes are the first affected, while “the number of reservations has decreased of 25% last year. We didn’t have Seen this for 10 years”, says Olivier Poncelet. This is above all due to a crisis in demand. “IFrench households simply can no longer afford to buy because of very high prices and rising costs.ûts credit (…). THE Rising total home loans fell by 38% in one year“, continues the journalist.

Supply crisis due to the war in Ukraine

The supply crisis is added. We no longer build enough houses in France, at least not enough. The reasons are many. “First, the rising cost of constructionnot related to the impact of the war in Ukraine. Promoters prefer to wait for. And they procrastinate all the more as the homes sell poorly. Ithey sell less, earn less and have less money to invest in new programs. It’s a vicious circle”, emphasizes Olivier Poncelet. The market est completely blocked today.

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