The hot dog kings are from Nice!

The kings of hot dogs are from Nice

Monsieur Albert is a street-food brand that was created in 2018 at the instigation of Sébastien Dameno and Francesca South. They wanted to evangelize the crowds to the virtues of the French-style hot dog, starting in Nice with their stores located on Place Masséna and in terminal 1 of the airport. And a priori you will see others if you travel through France since this little entrepreneurial adventure is developing in the form of a franchise.

The two partners have just signed nine new franchises which should very soon open in mainland France, in Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and Evry, but also overseas in Reunion. What make them want to export in the years to come. But before bringing French-style hot dogs to Europe, the Côte d’Azur entrepreneurs behind Monsieur Albert hope to open at least ten franchises to solidify the brand’s French presence. In this regard, they hope to complete the signing of a tenth franchisee before the end of the year, just to end 2022 in style.

What is a franchise?

A franchise is a business model that allows entrepreneurs to launch a business under the name of an existing brand. The franchisor gives the right to the franchisee to use part or all of his intangible rights, in this case his trademark, and in exchange he receives a royalty which takes the form of a percentage on the turnover achieved. .

For example, if tomorrow you want to open a hot-dog restaurant in Dunkirk to compete with chip shops, you can contact Sébastien Dameno to submit the idea to him, and thus open your little shop by taking advantage of the Monsieur Albert brand, at the image of franchisees already well established in Lyon and Nantes.

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