the host sends a moving message to her missing mother

The date of October 21 resonates in a particular way for Julie Andrieu. Indeed, it is the birthday of his mother, the actress Nicole Courcel, who disappeared on June 25, 2016. So inevitably, the companion of Stéphane Delajoux had a little thought for the one who would have celebrated her 91 years. “You would have been 91 today. Happy birthday little Mum”, wrote Julie Andrieu in the caption of a black and white snapshot representing her younger mother. A publication that particularly affected internet users who also underlined the resemblance between the deceased actress and the host. “A very pretty woman and a beautiful elegance !!! Julie, you look just like her!!”, “Oh, how beautiful she is, you look a lot like her Julie. I’m also from October 21”, “I loved Nicole Courcel, a great actress with such a particular physique, modern for the time”, “She was very beautiful, you look like her”, can we read.

If Julie Andrieu had a very close relationship with her mother, the latter was not however frankly not thrilled by the story between her daughter and her friend the photographer Jean-Marie Périer. At the time, the one who travels through France today in her little red car is therefore only a young woman when she shares the life of the man who is famous for having produced “The Photo of the Century” in the 60s. Because yes, Jean-Marie Périer is a few years older than the future television host. An age difference of 33 years very difficult to accept for Nicole Courcel, the mother of Julie Andrieu. HAS France Sunday in 2012, the actress who died in June 2016 confided her first doubts about this idyll: “I knew he was very nice, that he wouldn’t hurt my daughter. But their age difference bothered me. I said to myself, ‘That’s it, she went to find a surrogate father!‘”.


See also: Julie Andrieu “virgin at 35”: this astonishing announcement

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