the host reveals the first photo of his son … and it is amazing!

A little over a month ago, Sunday May 29, on the occasion of Mother’s Day, Marie Treille Stefani, companion of Camille Combal, formalized the birth of their first child. “Happy Birthday Mom. Becoming a mom made me realize how absolute this role is, a whirlwind that overturns everything. The most beautiful of miracles“, she wrote in the caption of a photo of her mother and published in her stories. Very discreet about her private life, the former columnist of Touche not at my post had not announced anything on social networks. And yet , more than a month later, he just posted the first photo of his son.

The “Dancing With The Stars” host poses with his son, who he proudly sits on his lap. The toddler is decked out in the OM football shirt, a club dear to the heart of Camille Combal. Like many celebrities, the young forties chose not to reveal the face of his child. But if many choose to make up the features of their offspring with smiling emoticons, the native of Gap preferred to replace his son’s face with his own. A craziness which of course made its many subscribers react. “Too cute your guy Camille!”, “Head to his father!”, “Oh my god!“, some netizens commented. “He looks like your wife it’s crazy“, quipped for his part Kev Adams. “No DNA test needed! You are beautiful“, writes for his part Mohamed Bouhafsi, columnist in “C to you”. Marie Portolano, Sandrine Quétier or even Karima Charni also reacted to the publication of the host.

If Camille Combal has chosen to reveal a piece of his privacy, the host makes it a point of honor to preserve his private life. “I love my life, but it’s ordinary to death! […] Once they photographed me while I was shopping. Result: on the cover of a magazine, I have a box of steam generators under my arm! The paparazzi must be bored to death following me. My secret goal is to get them bored!“he confided recently to TV Magazine.


See also: Camille Combal: her ex Stéphanie publishes an astonishing message…

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