the host of “Touche pas à mon poste” announces in turn that he will “sue” the deputy LFI

On November 10, Louis Boyard was violently insulted by Cyril Hanouna for having criticized billionaire Vincent Bolloré, owner of the C8 channel.

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Legal battle in sight between Louis Boyard and Cyril Hanouna. The rebellious deputy of Val-de-Marne first announced, Monday, November 14, his intention to “file a complaint” against Cyril Hanouna for the insults pronounced Thursday on the set of C8 by the host of “Touche pas à mon poste”. He did not specify when he would start this process.

“I am going to file a complaint with a thought for the millions of people who have been insulted (…) each time ‘TPMP’ has invited the far right and made racist and Islamophobic remarks on their broadcasts”wrote the elected official, on Twitter, on the sidelines of a press conference at the National Assembly.

In the evening, during a special program on this altercation, Cyril Hanouna in turn announced his intention to “prosecute” the LFI parliamentarian. “He said very, very serious things. (…) We are going to sue Louis Boyardhe explained. It is people like Louis Boyard who are raising racism, who are raising communitarianism.

On November 10, on the set of the show, this former columnist for “TPMP” had accused the “five richest people” from France from“to impoverish Africa”citing in particular Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+ group and the C8 channel. “You are a piece of shit”had retorted the host, after having treated the deputy of“fool”of “jester” and of “fucker”.

“The only thing I regret is insulting him, it’s not a good examplehad initially recognized Cyril Hanouna. For the rest, I have no regrets and I will always defend my friends.”

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