The host atomizes Apolline de Malherbe in full live!

Cyril Hanouna was in great shape on the set of 6 to 7 this Friday, September 23, 2022. For his birthday, the troublemaker of C8 did not fail to tackle several of his colleagues… Starting with Apolline de Malherbe. The famous journalist took it for her rank. Indeed, Lino and Bianca’s dad was very angry with the BFM TV star whom he accuses of never quoting him on his show. ” She don’t like us “, he launched before adding: “ If she loved us, she would have quoted us. “Words confirmed by Raymond Abou who affirms:” often, we take lost boxes “.

“I was bruised”

Annoyed, Cyril Hanouna therefore made the decision to do battle with the journalist whom he also called live. ” I’m calling you because we were as united as two toes. There is a debate about you. There are people who say you like me and people who say you don’t. Me, I think you turned. Because you shot footage of me yesterday and you didn’t even quote me. Neither TPMP, nor Hanouna, nor Baba, nor the other Aziz, nor anything at all. I was bruised. How do we do ? »

In shock, the main concerned tried to defend herself. ” You can show on air all the love texts I sent you “, she dropped at the other end of the wire. To which Cyril Hanouna replied: “ Texting is one thing, but on the air, I want proof. I’ve always said that I love you, there, two minutes ago, I was at my wit’s end with you… I want to get to the bottom of it, I want to burst the abscess “. Fortunately, Cyril Hanouna and Apolline de Malherbe have managed to find common ground. And this, in joy and good humor. Generous, he even offered to the pretty brunette to invite all his family to dinner. All’s well That ends well !


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