the host Arthur (TF1) goes there and makes a huge and incredible donation!

As the war in Ukraine continues to rage, an outpouring of solidarity from around the world is building up to come to the aid of the Ukrainian people. In France, the “United for Ukraine” concert broadcast on France 2 last week has already raised 8 million euros in donations… A French hand that continues to reach out to Ukrainians… The proof, Sunday March 13, presenter Arthur shared a video via his Instagram account in which he explained that he intended to help families affected by this war.

“We all have one thing in common: for the past few weeks, we have been horrified by the images that have come to us from Ukraine, shocked by the faces of its women and children who have to walk for hours to escape the horror of war. So I decided, a few days ago, to charter a plane and fill it with food, medicine, (…) materials that we are going to deliver to an association that I have the chance to accompany which is called Rescuer Without Borders. […] The departure takes place tomorrow. We will travel to Lublin, three hours from the Ukrainian border, then we will deliver the material to the various associations,” Arthur said.

And to add: “I’m going to make a lot of videos to share this trip with you, which isn’t just a tourist trip… But simply because I want to appeal for donations to support Sauveteur sans frontières and other associations”.

A huge gesture in favor of the Ukrainian people that Internet users have all welcomed in comment. This Monday, March 14, 2022, in the morning, Arthur therefore shared videos of him as he was about to board the plane.

Lisa Ziane

See also: Arthur publishes an adorable video of his life Manava

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