Caroline Brémaud was dismissed from her position as head of emergency in Laval on Monday, December 4. She is one of the rare doctors to openly denounce the deterioration of working conditions in the hospital.
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The director of the Laval hospital center, Sébastien Tréguenard, assured France Bleu Mayenne on Wednesday, December 6, that the dismissal of Caroline Brémaud from her position as head of emergencies is not due to a sanction, contrary to what assure the doctor and several hospital unions. “It is simply an internal measure which does not take into account the media exposure of this or that doctor”says the director of the establishment.
Since December 1, there has been only one doctor, Bruno Rohee, to head the Samu, the Smur and the emergencies of the Laval hospital center. Caroline Brémaud, who happens to be one of the rare voices to speak openly in the media about the deterioration of working conditions at the hospital, was dismissed from her position as head of department. “This is the logical continuation of the recommendations of an external audit which was commissioned in October 2021”explains the director of the establishment to France Bleu Mayenne.
“Leaving a specifically Laval organization”
This audit notably recommended “establish a single head of department for emergency medicine at CH Laval to move away from a specifically Laval organization”. Sébastien Tréguenard therefore ensures that he simply followed the request of the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Agency, which wanted this reorganization “to strengthen the attractiveness of the Laval site and enable the territorial reorganizations which are currently being evaluated to cope with the difficulties” encountered by the hospitals of Laval, Mayenne and Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne.
Sébastien Tréguenard affirms that the reorganization therefore has no link with the personality of Caroline Brémaud. “The national fight she is waging concerns her individually”, he says. The hospital director maintains that the doctor’s commitment “is not questioned in this organization, which is really an internal subject”. He considers that Caroline Brémaud “has its place in the hospital emergency room”. The director of the establishment also maintains that this new mode of operation does not change the methods of patient care.