The horoscope for Thursday, September 29, 2022

Ram : you still think and talk about finances. Negotiating is appropriate. You will know how to do it! Make the best of it for you, for the other!

Bull : you tend to underestimate yourself… And yet for someone, you are irresistible! He or she is very attached to you!

Gemini : it may cost you, but it is by doing your work, a little every day, that you will get results in March 2023!

Cancer : a beautiful day in anticipation with joys related to your loves and your role as a parent. The artists are inspired… A beautiful day, I told you!

Lion : you may object to the subject of the family, or the subject of work undertaken at home. It doesn’t always turn out the way you want it to!

Virgin : there is a lot of discussion, of thinking too, and it can be exhausting. Yes but, from October, you will see there, it is certain, clearer!

Balance : you have to talk about your emotional life, with hidden feelings, and maybe an affair that you like, but yes, everything is lived in secret!

Scorpio : it’s not over again today, you are working. You have carte blanche, and we can count on you to act in your best interests!

Sagittarius : still a little patience ! With the key, the conquest of a new job, a job that is close to your heart, hope accompanies you!

Capricorn : not bad at all, with supporters who make your life more comfortable. An influential person recommends you, it will make its way!

Aquarius : it may be tense, but what do you want, you find it difficult not to defend your convictions! And because of this there are dissatisfied people!

Pisces : you will have a thousand entertaining ideas that take you away from everyday life! This Thursday suits you well! Enjoy!

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