The party met at a political meeting, at the end of which it made this decision and said it was “deeply shocked by the facts”. A disciplinary procedure is launched.
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The Horizons party announced on Saturday, November 18, that it was suspending “immediately” Senator Joël Guerriau. In a press release, members of Edouard Philippe’s party say they “deeply shocked by the facts giving rise to the accusations”. The Loire-Atlantique parliamentarian is suspected of having unwittingly drugged MP Sandrine Josso with a view to sexually assaulting her during an evening on Tuesday.
“If proven, the facts mentioned are very serious and absolutely unacceptable. Horizons will never tolerate the slightest complacency with regard to sexual and gender-based violence”write the members of the political bureau, who announce the launch of“a disciplinary procedure which could lead to permanent exclusion”.
Joël Guerriau was indicted on Friday for “administering to a person, without their knowledge, a substance likely to impair their discernment or control of their actions, in order to commit rape or sexual assault” and “detention and use of substances classified as narcotics”, and placed under judicial supervision, with “obligation to follow treatment and prohibition of contact with the victim”.