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What are the diplomatic efforts undertaken by Emmanuel Macron, in order to avoid a war at the gates of Europe? The President of the Republic spoke with Vladimir Putin for almost two hours on Sunday February 20.
Can we speak of positive advances, after the long discussion between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine, Sunday February 20? “Emmanuel Macron first obtained from Vladimir Putin the continuation of diplomatic negotiations, and they agreed to do everything to quickly reach a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine”reports journalist Catherine Demangeat, live from the Élysée Palace (Paris).
According to the Elysée, “all dialogue resources are not exhausted”, despite a situationof great danger”. “As proof, we say here, American President Joe Biden has just proposed a meeting with Vladimir Putin. For his part, Emmanuel Macron will increase telephone conversations in the coming hours.“, indicates Catherine Demangeat. The President of the Republic has already exchanged with Chancellor Scholz, and must meet with Joe Biden, in order to “to avoid escalation”.