the homeless are not forgotten



France 3

Article written by

O. Morin, A. Annequi, France 3 Regions – France 3

France Televisions

Faced with the fiery heat that strikes France Thursday, August 4, the homeless can benefit from the charitable soul of volunteers carrying out marauding. They thus receive something to refresh themselveschir to avoid dehydration.

He places a few bottles of ice water next to this vehicle. The thermometer already shows 38° that day in Montauban (Tarn et Garonne). Pascal Serrier is a volunteer at the OccItalien association: “Some people can die in their car. They don’t even see the problem. They will stay in their car to sleep, then the heat arrives, it will be 70°C – 80°C. It’s a life-threatening emergency“. During the maraudes, the association of Pascal offers water bottles and sun visors. If many sleep in their car, it is because in summer most reception centers are closed. The town hall of Montauban (Tarn -et-Garonne) has set up a specific system for the homeless: “As soon as the prefecture triggers the orange plan, the city opens an air-conditioned reception, with the possibility of taking care of 25 to 35 people every evening from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.“.

The important thing is also to guarantee the social link. In Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), at the height of the heat, the Red Cross added a marauding in the afternoon. Volunteers walk the streets day and night. Hyperthermia and dehydration, summer heat is more deadly than winter cold. In Lille (Nord), the volunteers of the Samu social are also on a war footing. If you want to report a distress situation, you can contact 115 every day, 24 hours a day.

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