The search took place within the framework of the judicial investigation opened at the beginning of the year, in particular for “kidnapping” and “kidnapping”.
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The home of Nasser Al-Khelaïfi was searched on Wednesday July 5, the sports management of Radio France learned from a spokesperson for the president of PSG, confirming information from the Mediapart investigation site. This search is part of the so-called barbouzeries case where a judicial investigation was opened in January for “kidnapping”, “kidnapping with torture and acts of barbarism and extortion in an organized gang”, following the two complaints filed by Franco-Algerian lobbyist Tayeb Benabderrahmane.
>>> PSG boss Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, targeted by a complaint from his ex-butler for “hidden work” and “harassment”.
Nasser Al-Khelaïfi was greeted on the arrival of his plane on Wednesday afternoon by an investigating judge and police officers from the Central Office for the Fight against Organized Crime. The president of the Parisian club, expected in Poissy, signed a discharge authorizing investigations at his home. “As expected and in accordance with due process, the investigating judge requested more information and access, which was fully and openly provided, in cooperation with the authorities, as had been the case from day one.“, specifies a spokesperson for the president of PSG. “As a reminder, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi is a victim in this case.“
“No amount of media interviews or desperate briefings from some of the protagonists will change the rule of law or the outcome of the case, the conclusion of which we eagerly await.“, adds the spokesperson for Nasser Al-Khelaïfi.