the home of her ransacked mother, the influencer at the worst…

Wednesday, September 7, subscribers to Sarah Lopez have discovered with amazement a moving story of the young woman. On a black background, the beauty wrote: “Afterwards, we are asked why we are all leaving France…” Subsequently, the influencer shared a long text to tell what happened. “Shock, anger, immense anger, tears, lots of tears”she began before revealing that “My mom’s home was robbed on Tuesday, September 6”. “Everything was broken, taken away. Everything. The little stuff I had taken was taken. Those who did this obviously imagined it was my home but they were wrong. This house is that of his mother. I’m there when I’m not abroad to spend time with her and you know how precious it is”.

The ex-candidate of the Villa of Broken Hearts and Angels spoke of the morale of his mother. “She has fear in her stomach now. What world do we live in?” She went on to say: “One thing is certain, I will never see these places as before. Never again. I have the feeling that we have been robbed of our tranquility, that we have penetrated into our intimacy. It is so unfair, so frustrating, so sad, so humiliating. These last few hours have been nothing but meetings with the police, investigators and other discussions between us to try to reassure ourselves.

As a reminder, Sarah Lopez had been the victim of two burglary attempts that she experienced while still residing in the south-east of France. In an interview given last year to Parisian, she had agreed to confide for the first time on this subject. It is for all these reasons that she ended up moving to Dubai like other influencers.

See also: Tom Brusse about to be ousted from Secret Story, Sarah Lopez tackles him: “if I lost big, I tell myself today, that I won a lot more…”

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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