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Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term is marked by crises: that of the yellow vests, the health crisis of course. A look back at the highlights of the Head of State’s five years at the Élysée Palace.
The image marks the spirits. At 39, Emmanuel Macron is elected France’s youngest president. In the photo, relatives and his family, an American style. Emmanuel Macron wants to reform, and quickly. Labor law, SNCF, abolition of the ISF, he wants to keep his promise as a reforming president, until shocking with his small sentences. A year after his election, everything smiles on him. The France team is crowned football world champion. But the euphoria is short-lived. In July 2018 burst the case Benallathe Head of State is directly targeted.
In the fall of 2018, the carbon tax and fuel prices are the talk of the town. On November 17, 2018, it was the first demonstration of the Yellow Vests. Anger sets in and turns into violence, with the ransacking of the Arc de Triomphe. After a month, Emmanuel Macron speaks. But it is around a symbol that goes up in smoke that national unity returns. The unity of the country again, to face another unprecedented crisis. On March 17, 2020, France is at a standstill, hospitals are overwhelmed with patients from the covid. Two years later, the health crisis is still there. To preside, as he says until the last quarter of an hour and to face the ultimate crisis of the quinquennium: the Russian invasion of Ukraine.