At the Georges Frêche gastronomy, hotel and tourism trades high school, students are committed to the environment. On Wednesday February 16, the third edition of the “cleanwalk” took place, organized by the Club dedicated to sustainable development, L’Econome. About thirty volunteer students, from the second to the BTS, cleaned up the surroundings of their establishment. They didn’t just collect plastic packaging.
“I found an exhaust!exclaims Maé, a Terminale student. Among the many cigarette butts and soda cans, the surprises are varied. Lilou picks up a gas cylinder and plate debris while Florian unearths a cable. The amount of waste collected only half-surprises these young people.
” The worst is that we know it. It’s the high school students who come to sit here and don’t use the trash cans. We recognize the cans and the packaging of the cafeteria“, Lilou despairs.
The volunteer high school students therefore hope that this operation will help to to raise awareness, both those who participate, but also their comrades. “At the end of the day, we will count everything that has been collected. We would like to do a photo presentation to show that people throw away anything and everything, and how much they do“explains Mae.
Patricia Pradel, librarian teacher at Georges Frêche high school and co-host of the club dedicated to sustainable development, explains how waste will be recovered. ” Anything that can be recycled will be. The students raised money and contacted a company in Bordeaux that recycles cigarette butts.
– Georges Freche High School
Summary of the afternoon’s work: more than fifty trash bags of waste, thirteen bottles full of cigarette butts and treasures that were taken to the dump. The young people of the club now wish to organize a “cleanwalk” before each holiday period.