The high mass | Télé-Québec postpones an interview with Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge

Télé-Québec has decided to cancel a major interview that Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge recently gave to Christian Bégin.

Due to the racist scandal involving the actor and now ex-host of Masked singersthe broadcaster has chosen to “temporarily set aside” an episode of the show The high mass featuring him, an episode which was to be presented on April 5. In an email sent to The PressTélé-Québec indicates that it has made this decision “out of respect for everyone and because we all need a little perspective in the current public space”.

The recording of the “intimate” interview between Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge and Christian Bégin took place during a two-day retreat at the Cistercian abbey of Rougemont. A press release sent at the beginning of March by Télé-Québec spoke of an “authentic dialogue, sometimes confronting, but always respectful” between the two men.

Last weekend, Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge posted a fleeting video on Instagram in which he held a birch tree, on which the N-word in English was engraved. In the extract, the actor also made a not-so-subtle allusion to the expression “work like an N”.

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