The members of the government have two months, after their appointment, to file declarations of interests and assets with this independent authority controlling them.
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A proposal not to “harming government action”. The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) suggested on Wednesday, May 31, that new ministers make known very early on their possible conflicts of interest, in particular because of their past functions.
The members of the government currently have two months, after their appointment, to file declarations of interests and assets with this independent authority which controls them. Due to a former position, the employment of a spouse or even personal commitments, a minister may have to delegate certain attributions to another or to the Prime Minister. Sixteen members of the government are currently concerned, including Marlène Schiappa, because of the functions of her companion, president of the mutual MGEN.
Some ministers of the governments of Elisabeth Borne contacted the HATVP from their very first days and “were able to identify risk situations more quickly, submit their declaration within a shorter period of time and adopt deportation measures on their own initiative”, notes the High Authority in its annual report. It proposes to generalize the practice, which would require a circular from Matignon to provide for an obligation to transmit a “conflict of interest questionnaire, within one week of appointment”. The two-month deadline would remain for a complete declaration.