the High Authority for Health seeks to “anticipate what will happen at the start of the school year”

“Past experience allows us to anticipate the fall a little”, declares on franceinfo Dominique Le Guludec, president of the college of the High Authority of Health (HAS) which recommends a vaccination booster for the most fragile in the fall.

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In an opinion made public, the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends a booster vaccine against Covid-19 in the fall for those over 65 and people at risk. “What we are trying to do is anticipate what will happen at the start of the school year”explains on franceinfo Wednesday May 25 Dominique Le Guludec, president of the college of the High Authority of Health. “So far, we have weathered successive waves of Covid and we have reacted to these waves. Past experience allows us to anticipate the fall a little”she adds.

A recommendation based on the different scenarios put on the table by the World Health Organization. “We have chosen the one that seems most likely, which is a periodic resurgence of the virus”explains the president of the HAS college.

The HAS recommends for the moment this new booster dose only “to those over 65 and to immunocompromised people and/or with comorbidities”. No question, for the moment, of extending it to the entire population. “We cannot predict the massive arrival of a new variant. On the other hand, each time, we have to deal with variants which are a little more contagious but which do not seem more virulent, which do not give more forms severe”underlines on franceinfo Dominique Le Guludec. “The French population has herd immunity which is already significant.”

Faced with the weariness of the French with the vaccine, the president of the HAS college recognizes that it will be necessary to mobilize, “and why not couple this reminder with the flu vaccine”she says.

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