The hidden power of trees: the lime tree

Like the birch, the linden is a feminine tree. Firmly planted on a solid and straight trunk, it has cheerfully reached 500 years. Its dead leaves decompose very quickly, which gives a very effective humus. Its wood, soft, light, tender and giving off a sweet smell, is appreciated in carpentry. The tradition that continues today is to plant lime trees where people gather, as it soothes human beings and limits tension. That’s why you find them in schoolyards in particular. Famous for its health benefits, the lime tree has several strings to its bow. It is very helpful in getting rid of a cold or flu because it encourages sweating. It soothes evening anxieties, relieves headaches and allows insomniacs to find a much sought-after sleep.

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – forest therapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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