The hidden power of trees: the elm

The elm is a tree native to Europe and North Africa. Its height varies between 20 to 40 meters. Graphic disease, a disease from the Far East, has decimated 90% of elm trees in France. It is therefore sometimes difficult to find them. There are more than 30 species of elm trees that share common characteristics: green, serrated leaves, a vase-like shape, and extremely ridged bark. Elm is used for the design of paddle wheels and other construction elements that must resist water. Elms were often enthroned in village squares, THE place where important decisions were made. In the 17th century, the expression “waiting under the elm tree” was used caustically when it came to giving a date that one would not attend. A bit like “posing a rabbit” these days!

The hidden power of trees by Thierry Beaufort – forest therapist, told by Magalie Rohm – Gestalt therapist

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